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TFW Program

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program allows Canadian employers temporary access to foreign workers when qualified Canadian or Permanent Resident workers are unavailable.

The Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program is labour market tested and requires employers to obtain a positive or neutral Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) so that a TFW's employment does not negatively impact the Canadian labour market. 

As a result, access to the TFW Program responds to changes in the labour market. The TFW Program also aims to be the last resort for employers once all other avenues to address shortages have been exhausted.

The Program is comprised of four streams:

  • High-wage, in which the wage offered is at or above the provincial/territorial median wage, 
  • Low-wage, in which the wage offered is below provincial/territorial median wage, 
  • Primary Agriculture which includes the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program, 
  • Global Talent Stream for in-demand Information and Communications Technology (ICT) / Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) occupations and unique and specialized talent.

Temporary foreign workers are a key source of labour as most Canadian businesses suffer from huge labor shortages. With our vast knowledge of the business environment, we help employers put together Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications to gain positive outcomes.

If, as an employer, you exhausted your efforts to hire Canadian citizens or permanent residents? Do you have vacancies that are impacting your business' performance and profit? AspHire Inc can help you fill those shortages.

We recruit highly specialized workers to fill vacancies across Canada – no business is too small or large for us to find you the employee that is the perfect fit for your organization.

LMIA Exempt Programs

Certain immigration streams under the Temporary Foreign Worker program are exempted from LMIA requirements. Some of these streams include; Francophone Mobility for outside the province of Quebec, Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program, the International Mobility Program, Global Skills Strategy, and several other streams.


We at AspHire Inc can help you with our knowledge, experience, and expertise to guide employers in choosing the most appropriate stream for their specific needs.

and specialized talent.

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